Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Yes, I know, Christians are suppose to watch the anger thing.  However, there comes a time where a little righteous anger is called for.  Mayor Bloomberg of New York City has crossed the line in two of the most absurd and irresponsible decisions ever made by a public official.  Here we are approaching the ceremony for the 10th anniversary of 9/11 and not only has he not allowed first responders to participate but all clergy have been barred as well.  This is the same mayor who is sanctioning the building of a mosque next to ground zero.  The outrage can't even be explained by his secular viewpoint.

Of all the memorial events that take place across this country none cry out more for the need of a presence of clergy than the recognition of 9/11.  To exclude clergy from the recognition of 9/11 is like excluding clergy from Easter.  The the wrongful death of thousands of people by radical Muslim terrorists goes against everything people of faith believe in. Be it Christian, Jew, Muslim Buddist or whatever faith, they all died in this travesty against humanity and deserve to be present for the memorial. 
Mayor Bloomberg is trying to slide in his valueless secular personal agenda.  As he is not a man of faith he apparently feels that no representation of faith is appropriate.  OK, he has his personal viewpoint but he does not have the right to make his personal viewpoint the rule of the day.  He is a mayor, not a dictator.

Aside from the affront to people of faith, it is a total outrage to exclude the presence of first responders.  Who could possibly have more of a right to be present at the memorial than the first responders?  I would certainly hope Mayor Bloomberg reconsiders his absurd decisions to exclude first responders and clergy from the 9/11 memorial recognition.  I would encourage everybody to voice their opinion to Mayor Bloomberg.  He needs to be advised to pull his head out of his backside and do the right thing.

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